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Facebook Special Ads Category

Facebook Special Ads Category

In order to avoid the possible discrimination Facebook restricted some targeting options for several special ads categories. Those restrictions of specifying an audience could have impacted your ability to reach your potential customers.

This article narrates what ads are there in Special Ad Category, what are the targeting limitations and how to run such ads to reach the appropriate audience and comply with Facebook’s policies.

  1. What ads belong in Special Ad Category

Facebook limited audience criteria available for employment, housing and credit ad campaigns. Special Ad Category restrictions apply to the following U.S.-based businesses:

Housing opportunity or related service: Ads promoting or directly linking to a housing opportunity, the sale or rental of a house or apartment, homeowner’s insurance, mortgage insurance, housing repairs, mortgage loans and home equity or appraisal services.

Keep in mind that educational ads are out of this category. 

Credit opportunity: Ads that promoting a credit opportunity, which includes credit card offers, mortgage loans, personal or business loan services, and long-term financing. 

Employment opportunity: Ads with part- or full-time jobs offers as well as internships or professional certification programs. 

  1. What are the Facebook Audience limitations and how to target Ads of a Special Ad Category

Special ad category presumes that certain targeting options are not available.

First, if your ad falls under a special ad category, you’ll be unable to use your saved audiences.

Some of the interests are not available to choose or exclude now. But you are still welcome to boost your successful relevant posts.

Custom Audiences Restrictions for a Special Ad Category

Good news is you still can use your Custom Audiences for such campaigns. Keep in mind that data sources you can use are the following:

  • Website traffic
  • App activity
  • Customer list
  • Offline activity
  • Video engagement
  • Facebook page followers.

“Special Ad Audience” is a Lookalike audience that just was created differently. It means it’s actually a lookalike but with some specifications removed by Facebook. The audience details you cannot specify are:

  • Location: You can’t target by zip-code anymore. You can set the targeting by geographic location (country, region, state or city), but Facebook will include a 15-mile radius around.
  • Age: Audiences must include people between the ages of 18 and 65+.
  • Gender: Audiences must include all genders.You are not able to choose only men or just women.

Detailed Targeting: Some demographic, behavior, and interest options are unavailable. Exclusion of some detailed targeting selections isn’t available neither.

All these limitations might seem depressing but that’s all based on an idea we all have a right to have a home and a job. We also know that Facebook is a powerful advertising platform and these restrictions are actually created for the best. Ads of special category will certainly bring profit if you act wise.

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